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What we think about money? (English Version)

Many of us tell ourselves that if we had more money we would be happier, that our lives would be different, that they would have more opportunities, and that we would lead a better life. But what does money mean to us?We define Money as any asset or accepted as a means of payment by the economic agents for the exchanges and that also fulfills the functions of the unit of account and deposit of value.Surely this definition is not the first thing that comes to mind when we think of money, things to think of something to buy things, things that are carried out in the happiest, but the reality is not always this. The reality is that each person thinks of money according to their beliefs, whether theirs or imposed by others such as society, their family, friends. Well you're wondering what my beliefs about getting and managing money have to do with. The reason is that depending on the sea in the belief about money, this justifies our current account status, an example of this is the belief that money is dirty or bad, that having it in large quantities will change as a person To a bad one. If we believe in this belief, it is most likely that we will unconsciously have negative feelings toward money, and this may be the motive for always that person who says usually does not have the ability to make money stay with him, that is Money comes, but it soon spends. So it is not surprising that people who have these beliefs about money will pass complaining. What you do not know is that he is unconsciously recharging the money he has because of consercio in large quantities can become someone bad, and be recharged by his near circle.The best way to booksellers of these limiting beliefs is to take a few minutes and visualize a ticket and pay attention to what feeling are associated with this money, perhaps it can mean joy, grief, anger, frustration an identification the feeling behind we have to ask ourselves what is it Which means money to us perhaps is the basis for a good marriage, or necessary for our family to be happy. Once this kind of question was asked how was creating this belief.When doing this simple exercise refers to reflect on the real meaning for us that has the money, this way we will be more aware of how we see this resource and most important how we manage it


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